150 Broadway, Suite 1110 | New York, NY 10038


Handle With Care: How to Deal With Hand Eczema

So, you may not want to follow in Seinfeld’s George Costanza’s footsteps and try your literal hand at hand modeling, but if you suffer from dry, itchy patches on your hands, you may be suffering from hand eczema. Caused primarily by an allergic reaction or irritation due to things such as excessive hand washing, hand […]

Have Psoriasis? How XTRAC Can Help

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes certain areas of your body to become red, itchy,  inflamed, and appear a bit patchy. As a skin condition that even famous celebrities like Kris Jenner and Kim Kardashian suffer from, Psoriasis is something that can cause you to become self conscious and want to cover up certain […]

The 411 on Patch Testing

If you suffer from extreme dermatitis and break out in chronic rashes, you know just how frustrating— and uncomfortable— it can be. And it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what is causing your skin to react in such a way without conducting the proper testing in order to do so. That’s why Dr. Barry […]

Don’t Sweat It: The Truth Behind Hyperhidrosis

Sweating is a natural part of life, especially when you are either nervous or if you have just participated in a gruelling workout. However, if you notice that you sweat profusely from areas such as your underarms ,to the point where even a stronger deodorant isn’t working, then you may be suffering from a medical […]

The Benefits of Good Skincare

Let’s face it— life comes with all sorts of expenses that you just don’t want to pay for. From a mortgage to student loans, life can be beyond expensive, and then throw necessities like your grocery bill and gas into the mix, it can seem impossible sometime to pay for things that you really want […]

3 Preventative Skin Cancer Tips

As a treatable form of cancer if caught early on, skin cancer is caused primarily by exposure to the sun. If you have had an immense amount of skin exposure to the sun by either doing things like laying out on the beach, using tanning beds, or even spending time in the great outdoors doing […]

Get Ready for Summer with Acne-Prevention

When you think about acne, you probably imagine a red, irritated face of a teenager.  We don’t mean emotionally irritated, but physically. The redness and white pustules of acne don’t just affect facial skin. People who are prone to this condition can become especially concerned as summer approaches. The good news is the more you […]

3 Non-Invasive Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scarring

Whether you suffered from acne during your youth or you started to get acne in your twenties and thirties, it can be difficult to both treat acne and the aftermath, including scarring. If you suffer from acne scarring and want to get rid of it, look no further. From chemical peels to microdermabrasion, Dr. Barry […]

  • Posted on: May 15 2016
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Stretch Marks? 3 At-Home Remedies to Try

There is no surefire way to prevent yourself from getting stretch marks. In fact, around 75% of pregnant women will get at least some sort of stretch mark during pregnancy. As your body grows and gains an average of 25-35 pounds during your pregnancy, your body is going to stretch in ways that you never […]

  • Posted on: Apr 15 2016
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Best Skincare for Adult Acne

Acne and braces go hand in hand in your mind when you think of junior high and high school. Luckily, those braces come off, you graduate high school, and most of the time your acne goes away. However, if you are an adult who is suffering from acne, you don’t have to deal with it […]

  • Posted on: Mar 15 2016
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